Friday, March 10, 2006

Hair Brush Fashions

In the 17th century it was thought that brushing hair would rid an individual of the vapours (fainting pells) and women were advised not to groom their hair in the evening, as it could lead to headaches the next day. Hair brushes made from hog bristtle or hadgehog spines were first introduced in the late Middle Age. With the invention of nylon in the 1930s designs changed, and now we can choose from an extensive range, each suitable from specific tasks.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Promoting Healthy Hair

Promoting Healthy Hair

  • Cut down on tea and coffee - they are powerful stimulants that act on the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, increasing the excretion of water and important nutrients. They also hamper the absorption of minerals crucial for hair health. Drink mineral water (between six and eight glasses a day), herbal teas and unsweetened fruit juice.
  • Alcohol dilates blood vessels and so helps increase blood flow to the tissues. However, it is antagonistic to several minerals and vitamins that are vital for healthy hair. Limit yourself to an occasional drink.
  • Regular exercise stimulates dhe circulatory system, encouraging a healthy blood supply to all cells and nourishing and helping to regenerate and repair.
  • Some contraceptive pills deplete the B-complex vitamins and zinc. If you notice a change in your hair after starting to take the Pill, or changing brands, ask your doctor or nutritionist for advice.

Drink plenty of water every day to keep your hair healthy. Eating 2 or 3 pieces of fruit a day provides your hair with vital vitamins and minerals.

Styling: Short and Spiky

Short & Spiky
Using Gel & Wax

Styling Short & Spiky

Work a generous amount of gel through your hair from the roots to the ends
[Apliko gelin me shumice ne floket tuaj duke u nisur nga rrenjet e deri ne maje]

Styling Short & Spiky

Dry your hair using a directional nozzle on your dryer; as you dry, lift sections of the hair to create height at the roots.
[Fenirat floket duke perdorur koke direkcionale te fenit (te shtypur, shih foto); dhe ne proces e siper, mbaj larte pjese te flokeve per te krijuar lartesi ne rrenjet e saj]

Styling Short & Spiky

When the hair is dry, backcomb the crown to give additional height.
[Pasi te keni thare floket, kreh floket ne drejtim mbrapa per te krijuar lartesi shtese]

Styling Short & Spiky

To finish, rub a little wax between the palms of your hands, then apply it to the hair to give definition.
[Dhe per fund, ferko shuplaket e dores me vaks dhe apliko ate ne floke per t'i dhene formen]

Styling Short & Spiky

Final Look
[Frizura e kryer]
Tip [Udhezim]:
Gel can be reactivated by misting the hair with water and shaping it into style again.
[Geli mund te riaktivizohet duke lagur floket me uje dhe duke i dhene frizures formen perseri]
Styling Checklist [Cka ju duhet]:
Gel, Blow-Dryer, Comb, Wax
[Gel, Fen, Kraher, Vaks]

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Celebrity Hair Style

Jennifer Lopez

Hilton Paris

Christina Aguilera

Brooke Burke