Thursday, March 02, 2006

Styling: Short and Spiky

Short & Spiky
Using Gel & Wax

Styling Short & Spiky

Work a generous amount of gel through your hair from the roots to the ends
[Apliko gelin me shumice ne floket tuaj duke u nisur nga rrenjet e deri ne maje]

Styling Short & Spiky

Dry your hair using a directional nozzle on your dryer; as you dry, lift sections of the hair to create height at the roots.
[Fenirat floket duke perdorur koke direkcionale te fenit (te shtypur, shih foto); dhe ne proces e siper, mbaj larte pjese te flokeve per te krijuar lartesi ne rrenjet e saj]

Styling Short & Spiky

When the hair is dry, backcomb the crown to give additional height.
[Pasi te keni thare floket, kreh floket ne drejtim mbrapa per te krijuar lartesi shtese]

Styling Short & Spiky

To finish, rub a little wax between the palms of your hands, then apply it to the hair to give definition.
[Dhe per fund, ferko shuplaket e dores me vaks dhe apliko ate ne floke per t'i dhene formen]

Styling Short & Spiky

Final Look
[Frizura e kryer]
Tip [Udhezim]:
Gel can be reactivated by misting the hair with water and shaping it into style again.
[Geli mund te riaktivizohet duke lagur floket me uje dhe duke i dhene frizures formen perseri]
Styling Checklist [Cka ju duhet]:
Gel, Blow-Dryer, Comb, Wax
[Gel, Fen, Kraher, Vaks]

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